Thursday, February 12, 2015

Doggone Dirty Craftin Linky Party

Rhinestone Beagle

 Andie @ Andieconn has some natural apporches to try the next time you feel a migrane coming on.  I know my go-to is big caffine but I am also going to try the peppermint oil too.

These look so yummy! A quick and delish recipe from Jenn @ The Rebel Chick  has these cheesecake parfaits done in no time!

Colleen from Shibley Smiles linked up a recipe for this yummy looking Strawberry Cheesecake Dip.  
This would be a great to feed your valentine on Saturday and its really easy to make.

I'm a sucker for a furniture refinish post and this one by Angela from Mrs. White Twig is no exception.  The colors make me long for spring even more than I already am.

Did you get featured?  Grab the button below.  We made it just for you!

Rhinestone Beagle
  • Link up any project you want as long as its made by you.  That means sewing, painting, recipes, photography, DIYs, and anything else creative you can think of. 
  • Please NO ETSY SHOP links.  I already spend way too much time shopping there. 
  • We would giggle with delight if you would grab our button!  No pressure though; it's not mandatory to participate. 
  • Show some love and visit a couple of the other crafty projects and leave some comments.  It's nice to know someone other than your family and friends is actually looking at your posts out there in cyberspace. 
OK here we go!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Gorgeous! I love stopping by your amazing party each week. Thank you for hosting. Please take a moment to stop by our party. We would love to have the chance to party with you twice! Happy Thursday Lou Lou Girls
